November 29th 2021

Vero Cloud

Vero Connect



Recent Bugs and Improvements

Improvements and fixes released throughout October and November:

  • Prevent duplicate SQL autocompletions - We fixed a minor bug that was causing each column name to appear twice in the autocomplete menu when using the SQL editor.

  • ** Save as Template and Liquid error modals not displaying correctly** - Fixed a bug that broke the styles on popups within the drag and drop email editor.

  • Fix for link color in Gmail - Links made using the drag and drop editor were not adding text color to links in a way that was properly supported in Gmail. We've fixed this.

  • Copy/paste import option (in Workflows) - Fixed a bug that prevented the copy/paste importer functioning in Workflows.

  • Align option on images "sticking" - In some cases, aligning an image in the drag and drop editor would not produce the desired result. We've tweaked things so it works every time.

  • Pagination and search in the Audience panel - You can now paginate and search the "Audience" panel in Newsletters after you've imported an audience via CSV, Google Sheets or SQL.

  • Self-service downgrades - To add to the "Delete customers by segment" functionality you can now downgrade your Workflows account if you're below your current plan's usage limits.

  • Google Sign-in - Fixed a bug that prevented login using Sign-In With Google if the primary email address was mixed case.